Monday, January 9, 2012

Ninjabread Men

In December 2010 I was in Melbourne, visiting my family for Christmas.  I spent quite a bit of time browsing gift shops, ostensibly shopping for Christmas presents but really looking for cool things to take home for myself.  One of the fun things I found was this cute set of gingerbread man cutters in the shape of Ninjas, or as they are known, Ninjabread Men (by Fred)!

I can't claim that mine turned out quite as polished as the advertising ones above, but I gave it a pretty good go.  My recipe was a basic gingerbread one I found online, adapted to make gluten free, using a mix of gluten free plain flour and lupin flour.

Unfortunately one of my Ninjabread men didn't survive...


  1. Thanks Kell, I was trying to be a bit creative with the wonky one.
