Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Instant Birthday Cake

What do you do when you plan a Birthday Party more than a month in advance, and end up working interstate that week?  My flight home from Sydney landed half an hour before the caterer arrived, and only 90 minutes before my guests were due to turn up.  No time to make myself a fabulous cake or cupcake display, so I got creative.

2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts, a couple of punnets of fresh strawberries, a bag of freckles and a heap of candles.  Happy Birthday to me!  Not that I could eat this, being gluten intolerant and all.

Here's some other pics from the party.  It was a Day of the Dead theme, we had an altar, candles, flowers, a pinata, a punchbowl of Mojito and a 20 litre water dispenser of Sangria.  Not to mention the paella, cooked fresh in my backyard by the Paella Guru.  We had a vegetarian one and a chicken/seafood paella.  So delicious, especially the leftovers which I ate all week.


  1. Loving the sangria-filled watercooler. Will have to take you to the excellent new Mexican place in Newtown when you're next in Sydders.

  2. Thanks Britt, I'd love to head there with you next time I'm in town. There's a few places in Newtown that I visit regularly so I could make a shopping and eating trip of it!
